Monday 24 March 2014

Towards Blissful Marriage

it has been more than 100 days since i am married to my Mr Right... well although we do have some cats fights along the way... recently, i have been reading on ppl's pop up status on my FB wall although i'm not interested in the things that are going on in one's household, but i am pretty sure that, we as soul mates of each other should not go posting around our fights to let the whole world knows...

if u are not happy wif each other... meet up at a suitable time n discussed about it... or juz forgets about it... who is perfect in a way?? NO ONE... u choosed that person to b ur soul mate n the sour part is U NEED TO ACCEPT THE PROS AND CONS!! dont complain bout it in ur status... Membuka aib keluarga ngan aib suami isteri itu x betul wahai isteri2 and suami2 sekalian...

Learn to appreciate each other... Be mature in ur relationship... X kew korang sedar apabila korang membuka aib pasangan anda ibarat membuka baju n telanjang depan2 khalayak ramai? Kematangan dlm pengurusan rumah tangga sendiri tu amat penting! itu lew cbb kite perlu bayar rm80 tu hadiri kursus kawen sblm kite nikah! Para ustaz ngan usztazah bersusah payah mengajar kite bertolak ansur sesama suami isteri... Rujuk kpd semua itu balik... Jgn lak sikit2 nk meroyan kat FB... Org len menyampah nk tgk kat FB...
sekian terima kasih... pada yg terasa sy minta maaf... ini sekadar peringatan tuk para suami isteri.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

hijap untuk fesyen? atau hijap tuk tutup aurat?

I hv been obseving througout my days as a muslimah... at one point wen i start to wear hijap... my brother asked a question : Are u wearing tudung to cover ur aurat or u are wearing it s a fashion... His question popped out wen i was wearing a silk shawl wif Hana Tajima style... my answer was... of coz to cover my aurat, juz hv a look at me... my shawl covers my chest, my hair... my attire covers my aurat n it not tight till it shows my bodyline...

I noe i am not perfect... but yet i m tryin my best to bcome a muslimah... i m not tryin to expect every muslimah to b as good as Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. wife Siti K+hadijah... but I would like to see a Malaysian non hipocrite muslimah... Imagine wearing a shawl like turban similar to a Punjabi man's attire... revealling one's neck... so can anyone tell me wat is the point of berhijap? ok... ppl wears it wif an inner neck? a piece of cloth revealling the shape of the neck... Again... wat is da point?

then next... wearing shawls but revealling sum of the hair out... I bet every muslimah noes dat reveallin one hair serves a thousand years of burnin in hell...

Malaysian muslimah shud show sincerity wen they intend to berhijap... At least hv a good nawaitul... Dont follow wat trends in the fashion lines... Dont follow wat the artiste in da media is doing... Raise ur self consciousness... Lets correct each other for good deed... we may be imperfect but at least we strive hard for improvement

assalamualaikum... n i apologize if any of my words hurts anyone's feeling...

Tuesday 7 January 2014

~Embracing the religion~

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

First and foremost, I need to do a short intro about myself.

My name is Nur Natasha Nafeesa Ong. And in case u guys were wondering what is the meaning of my name....
Let me explain these beautiful meanings in Islam to u guys reading...
Nur simply meant light... cahaya bukan ringan... hewhewhew...
Natasha pulak means a gift from Allah... pemberian Allah
Nafeesa brings the meaning in " the precious "... yg berharga...
Ong is my family name

ok... back to my topic... embracing the religion in my case Islam...

I received a lot of queries from both muslims and non muslims on the reason that i convert or i would like to use the word "hijrah".

I received a lot of perceptions by both sides but mainly people assumed that I hijrah for marriage. Yes! It is undeniable that I met a Muslim guy and i have special feelings from him. But that is not the main reason that I hijrah I got my hidayah thru dreams, thru faces of people doing solats. I felt the sense of belonging and I am so comfortable in this religion. I found myself  in front of the mirror after I took the decision to convert.

In the eyes of my races society, the Chinese, they tend to have the perception that once a Chinese convverted to Islam, they automatically turns to a Malay. ( That is the reason my mom disagree when i decided to convert!). Dont misundersand... I am still a Chinese but I am a muslim. I dont carry my chinese name not because i don wanna be a Chinese. Its just that i want my name to have a meaning and yet i still carry my surname. I wanna leave my past and turn over a new leaf.

The reason that I am writting this is just to express my disappointment in both muslims and non muslims perception on muallaf embracing this beautiful and peaceful religion. Saya peluk Islam bukan sekadar nak kahwin.